Tag: Business
Prospecting for New Clients on Facebook
For your business to grow, you need more clients, but how do you find and land them? Well, Facebook is a great place to prospect. In ... -
Everything You Need to Know About Cyber Insurance
With wire transfer fraud, listing scams, ransomware, and so many other techniques, real estate is under constant attack from hackers and fraudsters and most in the ... -
BusinessCommunicationCRMsGrowth & PlanningMarketingSoftwareTips & TricksTips & Tricks = OtherWebinars
Dominate Your Database
Daily Activities to Double Your Income Successful Realtors throughout the country tend to have one thing in common; they use a database to determine their daily ... -
Prospecting for New Clients on Social Media & Online
Social Media is not just about being social, it is also a great place to identify prospective clients and grow your business and circle of influence. ... -
Managing & Motivating Your Team Remotely
Under normal times, most real estate companies strive to allow their team to work remotely, but most struggle with it. But these days, with everyone being ... -
BusinessCommunicationGrowth & PlanningMarketingSocial MediaTips & TricksTips & Tricks = OtherWebinars
How to Truly Generate Referrals & Recommendations Online
These days, consumers don’t trust advertising, they trust the word of mouth of friends and even strangers in real life and virtually online. Business is no ... -
Virtual Real Estate from Lead Generation to Close
In May Craig provided many tips and tools to help you thrive during (& after) the pandemic to stay connected, collaborate, and show properties virtually. In ... -
AppsAR & VRCloudFuture TechMarketingPhoto & VideoSoftwareTech GuideTips & TricksTips & Tricks = OtherWebinars
Virtual Floorplans & Digital Home Diaries
These days, many consumers are scared to go to the grocery store let alone go look at properties, but they are highly inclined to look at ...